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Don’t Let Texting Become Painful

Month: March, 2013

Don’t Let Texting Become Painful

TextingAmericans spend an average of 2.7 hours a day on their cell phones. It is not uncommon for people to send dozens or even hundreds of text messages per day. This is common for both adults and teens. Recently a 14 year old ProActive PT patient was treated for texting thumb secondary to sending an average of over 300 texts per day. Mobile phone users are beginning to notice pain, tingling or numbness from excessive texting. Our dependency on texting to keep up with the Social Media has become a vital part of our life. “Giving your thumbs a rest” may not be a realistic solution in resolving symptoms associated with texting thumb for many of you.

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Your Mother Told You To Stand Up Straight!

People are always talking about posture – stand up straight, don’t slouch, watch your back! However, good posture is easier said than done. Good posture is really a very general term because so many factors go into achieving this goal. You must strengthen some of the smaller muscles of your body – namely some of the core muscles discussed in the last few weeks – and these muscles must be toned for endurance to last through an 8 hour workday or any other activity. Yet even focusing on increasing strength of these muscles is insufficient without first achieving proper alignment of the body.

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