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How Do I Find a Good PT Clinic

Month: November, 2013

How Do I Find a Good PT Clinic


Finding a truly good physical therapy clinic/facility can often be challenging. If you are interested finding a good Physical Therapy facility for yourself, a family member or a friend we suggest the following steps:

  1. Visit and read the reviews by patients.
  2. Visit and view the patients comments. Pay attention to how many likes the facility has.
  3. Call and ask to visit the facility before committing to a specific clinic.
  4. When at the facility ask to view thank your cards.
  5. Any good facility should have a collection of patient comment cards. Ask to view these cards.

If you follow these five steps you will set yourself up with a very pleasurable physical therapy experience. Good luck!

We Care So Much!

Here at ProActive Physical Therapy we take service and care very seriously. It is ALWAYS our intention to provide our patients with 100% satisfaction. Over the many years we have been in business we have been told, through countless thank you cards and patient comment cards, how amazing our product is. We feel we get these kinds of responses because we simply care.


In today’s health care environment we are told by patients it is hard to find facilities that do business like us. It will be ProActive’s mission to always provide our well known hand’s on service. If you are interested in learing more about ProActive, please feel free to call us and ask for Jack.