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Achilles’ Tendon Pain – How should I be treated?

Month: July, 2015

Achilles’ Tendon Pain – How should I be treated?


Achilles Tendon

Tendon injuries are among the most common injury types affecting the lower extremity, with involvement of the Achilles’ tendon being especially prevalent. Achilles’ pain can affect young and middle age athletes, as well as the less active and older individual. Achilles’ injuries vary in the type of tissue damage involved, and treatment of these injuries can vary dramatically, depending on the state of the tendon. Damage to the Achilles’ can vary from an acute inflammation (“tendinitis”), to a chronic degenerative state (“tendinosis” or “tendinopathy”), to complete tearing or rupture of the tendon.   All three of these conditions generally involve a problem with loading of the tendon, yet each one demands a significantly different treatment approach.

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Ankle Sprains – More Than “Just a Sprain”


Ankle SprainsAnkle sprains are the most common injury of the lower extremity, affecting a large percentage of the sporting population, especially those participating in contact and collision sports such as basketball, football and soccer. Ankle sprains are especially prevalent in younger athletes, with the greatest incidence of injury occurring duringthe mid to late teen years. Ankle sprains are commonly underestimated regarding the functional restrictions that take place and the long-term negative effects that can occur among those affected. Recurrence of ankle sprains is estimated to be as high as 40-70%, especially among individuals participating in higher risk sports. Long-term negative effects can include need for surgical repair of damaged ligaments, and cartilage damage, also known as osteoarthritis. Clearly, the mindset of an ankle injury as “just a sprain” needs to be reconsidered.

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