Written by Kim on March 30, 2016 |
A health back is essential in our daily lives. Most of us will have back pain. Preventive care as in stretching can help tremendously! One of the best stretches to do on a daily basis is a hamstring stretch. The hamstrings attach into the pelvis which influences the back. Too tight of a hamstring pulls on the pelvis in a posterior way and creates pressure to our discs, ligaments, and muscles of the back. The best position to stretch the hamstrings is on your back with your knee to the chest. The other leg can be bent if you are really tight or in a straight position if you are more flexible. The knee is drawn to the chest and then straighten the leg up and pull the toes towards you. Hold the position for one minute X 3. Repeat on the other side X 3. Often I suggest a small towel roll in the small of the back for support as you stretch. Also remember to breathe deeply for extra relaxation
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Written by Kim on March 23, 2016 |
Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet- Thich Nhat Hanh
One of the things that a Physical Therapist evaluates when you have your initial visit is how you are walking. Gait changes are very common with injuries to the back, hip, knees or ankles. One of the most important things you can do is to start to walk as normally as possible after your injury or surgery. The sooner you get back to a normal gait pattern, the better you will be. Often after surgery you may have crutches, a walker, or limitations per you doctor about weight bearing status which assist you for support until you can fully weight bear. Continue Reading »
Written by Kim on March 16, 2016 |
The best cure for the body is a quiet mind. – Napolean Bonaparte
How do we quiet the mind when all we feel is pain, frustration, anger and hopelessness with our healing? As a Physical Therapist, we are trained to systematically evaluate the body’s limits, strength, weakness, range of motion, neurological deficits, neurovascular problems, balance and mechanical issues. Continue Reading »
Written by Kim on March 11, 2016 |
If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. – Buddha
Often times we get injured or undergo surgery and we find ourselves pushing to get better. We forget the orders of the Doctor or Therapist and create more pain and inflammation. We just want to be back to where we were, pain free and living our lives. What about seeing this situation of healing differently? What about learning to listen to our bodies and giving ourselves the time it takes to fully heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually? Listening and slowing down could be the start of compassion for yourself.
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Written by Carol on March 1, 2016 |

Often with injury comes inflammation. In order for the Combine athletes to be able to train and heal we need to control and eliminate their inflammation. It is equally as important to control inflammation/ swelling in all of our clients especially with acute or post surgical conditions. After their training sessions, the football athletes return to ProActive Physical therapy for modalities. We often use Game Ready as an excellent tool to help with controlling swelling/ inflammation. Game Ready® is a leader in active compression and cold therapy technology for acute injury treatment and post-operative recovery.
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