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Children, Backpacks, and ProActive Parents

Month: February, 2017

Children, Backpacks, and ProActive Parents

Back PackUsually we are thinking and talking about backpacks at the beginning of the school year. But, now that we are mid way into the school year, our kids may be complaining about the weight of their backpacks. Of course they need to use their back pack everyday and generally they are good at distributing the heavy load across their strong back and shoulder muscles. But we should be also be aware that overly stressing the back with a heavy backpack could strain the back, neck, or shoulders and cause back pain in our children.  A heavy weight carried in backpacks can:

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Your Back

It is proven exercise prevents back-pain recurrence. This article is taken from the BottomLine Personal on November 1, 2016:

Supervised exercise reduced the chance of a repeat episode of back pain by 45% over a one year period. Shoe orthotics and back belts we almost useless. And the type of exercise did not matter – some programs focused on back muscles, while others combined aerobics with strength and balance training. Patients generally did two to three supervised exercise sessions per week. But the protective effects wore off after a year – probably because many people stopped exercising when they were no longer being closely supervised. Troubling: About 75% of people who have an episode of debilitating lower-back pain will have another within one year.

Statistical analysis of more than 6,000 studies involving back-pain prevention led by researchers at The George Institute for Global Health. The University of Sydney, Australia, published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Back PainProActive Physical Therapy can offer you rehabilitation for back pain and then give you the opportunity to enjoy the Beyond Rehabilitation program offered by Activ8 Athleticism in Carlsbad. For those of you with back pain, please consider this and call us for an appointment.