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7 Benefits of a Standing Desk

Month: March, 2018

7 Benefits of a Standing Desk

Standing Desk

The idea that sitting can be harmful seems ridiculous at first thought. Sitting is a default human body posture, and when people work, socialize, study or travel, they often do so in a seated position. It’s second nature. However, that doesn’t mean sitting is harmless. It’s like eating — necessary, but harmful if you do too much of it. Unfortunately, sitting too much, is now at an all-time high. Over half of the average person’s day is spent sitting, doing things like driving, working at a desk or watching television. In fact, the typical office worker may spend up to a whopping 15 hours per day sitting. To battle this trend, standing desks are becoming increasingly more popular.

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Standing Desks and Back Pain

Lower Back Pain Desk

Nothing makes a day at the office more miserable than neck and back pain. However, a lot of us deal with it every day. Americans are spending $50 Billion dollars a year on lower back pain. Physical Therapy is an important part of recovery but also a standing desk can be part of the solution to some of that pain. First, let’s take a look at why we experience the pain we do while sitting, and then look at how a standing desk can help.

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