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What is Pronator Teres Syndrome?

Month: August, 2018

What is Pronator Teres Syndrome?

Elbow Pronator Teres Syndrome

What is Pronator Teres Syndrome?

Pronator teres syndrome is a disorder that is caused by the pronator teres (a muscle that helps bend the elbow and rotate the forearm) compressing the underlying median nerve. This compression of the nerve can result in neuropathy into the forearm and hand accompanied by weakness and loss of sensation of the thumb, index and middle finger1. There can be a couple of reasons for this syndrome. Direct trauma, boney abnormalities, or the most common reason for the nerve to be compressed at this location would be hypertrophy of the pronator teres1,2. This hypertrophy can be a result of manual occupations, racket sports or other activities which require repetitive forearm rotation1.

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What is Patellofemoral Pain and How Can Physical Therapy Help?

Knee Patelofermoral Pain

Patellofemoral pain is a common impairment and diagnoses in the population today with more of an emphasis in the active adults age 40 to 501. Patellofemoral pain is considered as a general anterior knee pain that is exacerbated by various activities that involve loading of the patellofemoral joint1,2.

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