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Prevent Falls

Month: November, 2018

Prevent Falls

Prevent Falls

As we age into our golden years, one of the things we fear most is losing our independence. And one of the biggest causes of losing independence is fractures. A big example is a hip fracture, which often sends people to a nursing home and is linked to a shorter life span. Now, the question is what causes most fractures in older people. The answer is falling. There are several things you can do to prevent falls. We as physical therapists can do a formal strength and balance assessment, show you strengthening exercises, walking posture, and balance activities to help prevent future falls.  Even if you haven’t fallen but feel you could reduce your risk of falling, here is one of the simplest most effective exercises you can do. It’s called the chair rise and it can be done almost anywhere. Do this daily to strengthen the muscles in your thighs and buttocks which can help keep you steady on your feet.

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Dynamic Warm Up

Dynamic Warm Up Stretch

“Make sure you warm up.”  This is such a common phrase we tell people in the physical therapy setting, and yet many people still may not know exactly what that means.  Whether you are a competitive athlete, or someone who occasionally exercises for health/recreation, a proper warm up is essential prior to any workout.  But what should a warm up look like prior to a workout or competition? Research has shown that a proper dynamic warm up has several benefits that will not only improve your athletic performance but will help in injury prevention as well.  

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