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Posture and Shoulder Motion: Can how I’m sitting contribute to my shoulder pain and motion?

Month: June, 2019

Posture and Shoulder Motion: Can how I’m sitting contribute to my shoulder pain and motion?

Posture Shoulder

When it comes to shoulders, it is widely acknowledged that the glenohumeral joint (the GHJ, the shoulder joint that occurs due to the upper arm bone “attaching” to the body) has the most range of motion in the body.  This joint can externally and internally rotate (as with reaching behind the head or reaching behind the back), flex and extend (as with reaching in front or behind), and adduct and abduct (as with reaching across the body or reaching out away from the body). In order to achieve such mobility, the shoulder blade must also move to allow the glenohumeral joint to be positioned appropriately.

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What’s a PCL?

Now if you’ve ever heard of injuries to the knee, you have undoubtedly heard a bit about the dreaded “ACL Tear”.  ACL tears (a tear of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament) tend to be a major cause of loss of functionality in people who injure this ligament.  What people typically don’t realize is that the PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) is another ligament of the knee that can be injured, albeit at a much less frequent rate.

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