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Physical Therapy Categories

Dangers of Early Specialization in Youth Sports

I love youth sports. I love the passion and dedication that young athletes have for the game.  I love to watch teammates bond and friendships grow, forged from countless hours of practice and competition. I love to see the timid athlete find her swagger as she scores her first goal, drains her first three, or runs her PR.

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Commitment to Patient Outcomes and Satisfaction

A big congratulations to all of our therapists at ProActive Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine!  Because of our steadfast commitment to patient outcomes and satisfaction, we have been recognized for our functional improvements that have constantly shown to be above the national average.  In basic terms, our patients are showing far greater improvements than the average physical therapy patient across the United States. 

In order to measure these outcomes, we use FOTO Inc., a quality measurement and outcomes management system that provides risk-adjusted benchmark ratings for fair comparison of rehabilitation services for clinicians, clinics, and organizations.  If you would like to experience the ProActive difference, please give us a call to schedule at (760) 444-0102.

Simple Stretches While at Home

Shelter In Place Stretches (SIPS)


Due to COVID-19 and the Shelter In Place mandate, many of us are spending hours and hours on our computers and phones. Increased time spent on your computer and phone and less time being active can increase risk for aches and pains. We are sure you are left wondering “what can be done to maintain my fitness and address my aches and pains?”

To add to your exercises or walking routine, here are a few go-to stretches from head to toe that you can do daily to help maintain your flexibility, avoid repetitive strains, address your posture and improve overall well being. Should you participate in SIPS, avoid pain, be safe, and have fun!  If you have any questions or would like to schedule a time to meet with a therapist either in person or through telehealth, please contact the professionals at ProActive Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine at (760) 444-0102.

Making it Personal – What We Are Missing in Healthcare Today

There is an unfortunate trend in healthcare today. This may be due to many factors, but I believe it is contributed by the growth of managed care and the increased load placed on the providers. This has resulted in a lack of proper communication between the provider and patient and thus, a reduction of interpersonal relationships with their patients.

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TeleHealth/TeleMedicine for Proactive Physical Therapy

All current and past patients,

We are sorry to burden you with another notice. We are pleased to say we have implemented TeleHealth/TeleMedicine into our daily business. Please understand this offering may not be for everyone as it may not fit well with your individual therapy requirements. Your ProActive therapist will help determine if TeleHealth will benefit you.

We implemented this program into our daily business to help anyone who has physical therapy or occupational therapy needs while continuing to follow the shelter-in-place requirements. For patients who want to pay cash for this service we can immediately schedule you. For patients who want to utilize insurance we will need to go through a verification process (similar to when you began therapy) to help you understand the costs.

TeleHealth is new to the physical and occupational therapy world, so we are learning as we go. We are currently up-to-date, and continue to study, which insurances accept and do not accept TeleHeath for physical and occupational therapies.

If you are interested in scheduling a TeleHealth appointment, please call 760-444-0102 and press 1 to get to our scheduling department. Please leave a message if our scheduling department does not answer (our schedulers are very busy during this crisis) and we will return your call promptly.

We continue to hope everyone is safe and healthy!

With much care,

Your ProActive Team

Customer Service

When I first began my career in physical therapy (PT), I wanted the opportunity to be able to make a significant difference in someone’s life.  I envisioned myself working in an outpatient clinic and helping patients get back to doing something they loved. Maybe it was the runner with the sprained ankle or the baseball pitcher with a torn rotator cuff.  

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Growth Plate Injuries

The epiphyseal plate aka “growth plate” is the area of new bone growth near the ends of the long bones in children/adolescents.  Long bones include: the femur (thigh), the tibia and fibula (shin), the radius and ulna (forearm), and the bones of the hands and feet.  There is typically one growth plate at each end of a long bone. As your child ages and grows, the growth plates harden and become solid bone.  Once this process is complete, the growth plate is closed and no additional growth occurs. Growth plates usually close near the end of puberty (13-15 years for girls and 15-17 years for boys) [1].  

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There are many different types of headaches the most common being migraines, tension headaches and cluster headaches. In physical therapy we tend to address tension headaches, which usually start at the base of the skull and wrap around to the side of the temples. Tight neck muscles, poor neck mobility, and bad posture can lead to tension type headaches.  Forward head posture puts increased tension on the neck muscles and adds to stress on the spine that can lead to headaches. Sitting at the computer, reading or driving for long periods of time can lead to forward head posture. Daily stress is also a contributing factor because it can cause increased tension throughout the neck muscles. 

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Balance on tightrope

Our sense of balance comes from three different systems working together:

1.  The vestibular system (inner ear) gives us feedback on our head position and movements.

2.  The visual system allows us to see where we are in relation to our environment.

3.  The proprioceptors, which are located in our muscles, tendons, and joints, give us feedback on where our body is in space.  

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Fitness as We Age

How can we stay fit and healthy as we age?  Keeping an active lifestyle, we need to have aerobic activity and anaerobic activity. But, older individuals also need to emphasize balance and speed to help avoid falls.  Benefits of a consistent fitness routine are improved strength and endurance, reduced stress, improved sleep patterns, lowered blood pressure and cholesterol, weight management, and a potential of slowing the aging process.

There are several areas to be sure to include in your fitness routine:

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