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We strive for 100% patient satisfaction.
Our clinics are spacious.
We offer on-site Aquatic Therapy.
We use the latest techniques and technologies.
Rancho Bernardo
National City
Mission Valley
Carmel Valley

Customer Service

People do not usually seek therapy services, whether it be physical or occupational when they are feeling well. New clients don’t claim 0/10 pain or no physical limitations. Clients seek therapy in order for us to help them improve their condition. 

As a clinician, it is important for me to treat patients with a holistic approach. A client who is compliant with exercises and regularly attends appointments will not heal if they feel that their therapist is not invested or caring of them. The physical environment is a contributing factor in healing, and a patient will heal better and faster if they feel  confident in the quality of care they receive. 

Everyone who works as a therapist or an exercise specialist at ProActive has chosen to undertake education and training as a health care professional, demonstrating our commitment to facilitating the well-being of our clients.  From our dedication to customer service to the ease of appointment scheduling, we are a welcoming facility providing one-on-one care. 

Personal, customer-oriented treatment is a vital healing aspect of care for our clients. I am proud to work for a company that shares this important health care value. 

About the Author - Erin Rasmussen

Erin grew up in Washington State and graduated from Washington State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology. During her undergraduate education she worked in the Exercise Performance and Physiology Lab, where she gained a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology and human biological function. Erin later moved to California and received her Master of Occupational Therapy degree at University of St. Augustine in San Marcos.  Erin discovered her passion for working with upper extremity diagnoses and conditions at her first clinical rotation at an outpatient hand therapy clinic. During her free time, she enjoys spending time with her pug (chancho), going to the beach and practicing yoga.