There are many different types of headaches the most common being migraines, tension headaches and cluster headaches. In physical therapy we tend to address tension headaches, which usually start at the base of the skull and wrap around to the side of the temples. Tight neck muscles, poor neck mobility, and bad posture can lead to tension type headaches. Forward head posture puts increased tension on the neck muscles and adds to stress on the spine that can lead to headaches. Sitting at the computer, reading or driving for long periods of time can lead to forward head posture. Daily stress is also a contributing factor because it can cause increased tension throughout the neck muscles.
Maintaining good posture when sitting is imperative to a healthy spine. While sitting your ear should be in alignment with your shoulder as well as your hip. It is important to take breaks from sitting every half hour to move around and gently stretch. Finding time to exercise regularly can be very helpful in to improve blood flow and decrease stress in muscles and back. Other lifestyle tips to prevent headaches are drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, eating well, and not smoking.
A physical therapy approach for treating headaches usually involves postural strengthening and education, muscle relaxation techniques and manual therapy to decrease muscle tension and improve mobility of the neck and upper back.