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It’s Time For My Big Race! How Do I Start My Training?


With summer quickly approaching, most people are aware that we are entering into a popular time for all different kinds of races, whether it is a short fun run, 5K, a half or full marathon, or any of the mud runs/obstacle courses. Unfortunately, running is a form of exercise that is commonly associated with injuries due to improper training at all levels of fitness and running experience. So, how do you ensure that you prepare the proper way for your race without becoming victim to some of the most common running injuries? These are simple guidelines that you can follow:

  • Invest in proper footwear
    Many people make the mistake of using their old or worn in shoes that may feel comfortable for day to day activities, but are not appropriate for running. Having the proper support for your arch/foot can help more appropriately transmit forces through your body with the demands of running and will help to prevent undue stress on joints and surrounding soft tissues.
  • Prepare your muscles
    Ensure that you have the proper strength in commonly weak muscles, like the gluteus medius and core stabilizers, and that you maintain flexibility in commonly tight muscles, like your calves and hamstrings. This will help prevent common injuries like IT-band syndrome and achilles tendonitis.
  • Start slow and gradually increase your weekly mileage
    Running places stresses on joints and surrounding soft tissues that may cause irritation and/or pain if you start running too far or too fast too quickly. Take the time to train the appropriate muscles by starting your training with brisk walking and slowly increasing your weekly mileage to build up to your running distance.
  • Take the time for proper nutrition and hydration
    Muscles need energy in the form of carbohydrates and protein both before running and for recovery following your run. Your body also needs proper hydration, especially in the summer with the increase in heat, both before and after your run. Make sure that you take the time to adequately fuel your body for the demands of running.

Next week, I will be discussing in more detail some of the most common running injuries, with information on how to prevent and treat them, to ensure you are ready for your race this summer! For more information on specific race training, speak to one of the therapists at ProActive Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine.


About the Author - Chelsea

Chelsea, a physical therapist at ProActive Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, was born and raised in San Diego County. She earned her Bachelor of Science from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo where she also played lacrosse. Immediately following her undergraduate education, Chelsea earned her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine in San Diego. Chelsea took several manual therapy courses as part of her doctorate work, including advanced spinal and extremity courses, and is now eligible to sit for her manual therapy certification. When she is not working as a physical therapist, Chelsea also coaches the Varsity Girls Lacrosse team at Rancho Bernardo High School, and enjoys being active outdoors and traveling with her husband.