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The Graston Technique

Graston TechniqueAt ProActive Physical Therapy, one of the treatment techniques we use for a lot of Combine athletes is Graston Technique. Often times their injuries are soft tissue and chronic in nature. They may have even been receiving the treatment at their University. This is also a very effective treatment technique for all of our clients. We use it often on our clients who enjoy all levels of activity and fitness.

Graston Technique® is an evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively address scar tissue and fascial restrictions through comprehensive training, resulting in improved patient outcomes.

The technique uses specially-designed stainless steel instruments, along with appropriate therapeutic exercise, to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. It is effective on chronic and acute injuries. Clients are able to maintain their normal activities during GT treatment. GT includes a set of 5 tools and each is designed differently to treat any soft tissue dysfunction. It is also very effective at resolving the effects of post-surgical scarring.

Originally developed by and used strictly with college and professional athletes, Graston Technique® has been found to be effective with clients of all activity levels and is now used by more than 22,650 clinicians worldwide. We have been certified and have been using Graston here at ProActive for over 8 years with excellent results on a variety of soft tissue injuries. After each complete evaluation, the PT develops a treatment plan for each client which may include Graston technique.

About the Author - Carol

Carol has been a PTA for almost 20 years. She has a BS in Health Education from California State University, Northridge and PTA certification from Mount St. Mary's. She worked for nine years at an LA County hospital before moving back to her home town of Carlsbad in 2002. She is certified in the Graston Technique and Kinesio taping. As a former collegiate athlete she understands the importance of her patients meeting their goals and returning to "their game". She is excited to start up the water therapy program in Carlsbad and is confident it will be a valuable addition to the services we provide.