Thumb Pain: Does it Have to do With My Phone?
It comes at no surprise that Americans like their smartphones and use them daily. In 2019, the average American adult (18 years and over) spends 3 hours and 43 minutes on their phone per day (Wurmser, 2019). Use of smartphones lead to repetitive motions with scrolling of the thumb. As one may suspect, or may have experienced themselves, increased complaints of thumb pain have been reported. There is even a new term in the medical field, “texting thumb,” also known as gamer’s thumb. Houston Methodist Health (2019) describes texting thumb as occurring from repetitive use, where the inflamed tendons rub against a narrow tunnel, causing pain.
Treatment for Thumb Pain Caused by Smartphones
Considering the repetitive motion and inflammation built up, try these 5 conservative tips to help reduce symptoms.
- Rest the thumb. Use “speak to text” in order to rest the quick repetitions of the thumb. Or use your non-dominant hand, or other fingers to scroll. If you place the phone on a table, it will be easier to use another finger to scroll, giving those thumbs a rest.
- Stretch out the muscles connected to the thumb. These muscles are known to be in the thenar region, as shown below. With the palm facing up, pull down on the thumb in order to stretch the thenar muscles. It is the thenar muscles that are constantly contracting when holding your phone and scrolling.
Free Dictionary, 2000
- Massage the thenar area. You can use a marker or small ball to roll out tension and tissue build-up. This is one of my favorites!
- Consider thumb support. Whether it be from kinesio-tape or a splint, a doctor and therapist will be best to assist you with appropriate application.
- Cold packs are great to combat inflammation. Calm down the thumb and hand with ice. Ice should not be applied for more than 15 or 20 minutes.
The earlier you can change your habits, the better your thumbs will be. If pain persists, it may lead to symptoms associated with De Quervains’s, arthritis, or trigger thumb. Consult your doctor and therapist for specific information and proper treatment.
For More Information Regarding Thumb Pain, Visit One of Our Clinics
Rancho Bernado Physical Therapy Clinic
Carlsbad Physical Therapy Clinic
Carmel Valley Physical Therapy Clinic
Mission Valley Physical Therapy Clinic
National City Physical Therapy Clinic
Dorland. (2000). Thenar. The Free Dictionary by Farlex. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/thenar
McCallum, K. (2019). Texting Thumb: Is it Really a Thing? Houston Methodist Leading Medicine. https://www.houstonmethodist.org/blog/articles/2019/dec/texting-thumb-is-it-really-a-thing/
Wurmser, Y. (2019). U.S. Time Spent with Mobile 2019. Insider Intelligence. https://www.emarketer.com/content/us-time-spent-with-mobile-2019