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Walk to Health


Does running a race seem too daunting? Or do you feel running for fitness is beyond your level? Well, just because walking is the most basic form of mobility, it shouldn’t be overlooked when trying to boost our activity and fitness levels. The benefits from regular walking can be lifesaving. According to the American Heart Association a regular walking routine (at least 30 mins. of brisk walking 4-7 days a week) reduces the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke; increase bone density; helps control weight; and helps maintain balance and coordination.

It can also be associated with improved mental health, increased energy, better sleep, and lower stress levels. Walking has minimal impact on joints, can be solitary or social, and is free. It requires no special equipment but you should consider a few things when it comes to shoes. Avoid shoes designed for running, use hiking shoes only if you are walking on rugged terrain. Look for shoes specifically designed for walking or for cross trainers. Avoid shoes with a high, thick heel as this impedes heel strike and can increase stress on the lower legs. The toe box should be wide enough for your foot to expand, and deep enough so your toes are not hitting the upper part of the shoe. Opt for a good arch support and flexible sole.

Motivating yourself can be a challenge. One of the best ways to stay committed is to make an appointment to walk with a friend. Even a canine buddy will help you stick with your routine. Changing your route can keep it fresh and interesting as well. Finally, ease into it. Walking too far or too fast when you aren’t ready can lead to a muscle strain or more serious injury, which can be discouraging. Once you see the benefits of feeling good and functioning more fully it will become one of your favorite habits and you may not want to stop!

About the Author - Carol

Carol has been a PTA for almost 20 years. She has a BS in Health Education from California State University, Northridge and PTA certification from Mount St. Mary's. She worked for nine years at an LA County hospital before moving back to her home town of Carlsbad in 2002. She is certified in the Graston Technique and Kinesio taping. As a former collegiate athlete she understands the importance of her patients meeting their goals and returning to "their game". She is excited to start up the water therapy program in Carlsbad and is confident it will be a valuable addition to the services we provide.